Welcome to the FEW and FAR Between multimedia features page!

I built these activities in Macromedia Director
and you will need Macromedia's Shockwave to enjoy them.
If you don't already have Shockwave, it is easy to download and install from here:

Get Shockwave

The first two FaFB interactive features are:
Meet the FEW and FAR Between, a profiles feature for all thirty-some Kollumañeros,
and Dancing at the Poles, in which you can make and watch Tako and Pengo dance:

Let me know how you enjoy these little pastimes
and if you have any trouble using them or suggestions for enhancements!

Meet the FEW and FAR Between Dancing at the Poles!

Return to:
tNGK Home Page
and this week's strips.

There's something new all the time. Come back tomorrow!

If you enjoy FEW and FAR Between, I'd love to hear from you!

FaFB Seal
FEW and FAR Between and all prominent characters are TM and ©2000 Jonathan Thayer.
All contents of these pages ©2000, ©1999, ©1998, ©1997, ©1996 and ©1995 Jonathan Thayer.
All rights reserved.