FaFB Survey

I like to hear what people think of FEW and FAR Between,
and surveys are like fun tests (because you know all the answers!).
So, I made up the FaFB Survey! Eleven questions in all, answer any you feel like.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Some info (if you'd like)..
Your name:
E-mail address:

1) Do you have a favorite FEW and FAR Between character?
Is there another you hate to not mention?

2) Do you feel like you like one of the FaFB neighborhoods more than another?

3) What's your favorite extra-curricular FaFB feature?

4) How did you find out about FEW and FAR Between?

5) When did you start reading FaFB/tNGK?
(When did you start liking it?)

6) How often do you read FEW and FAR Between?

7) What has been your favorite joke, story, or character relationship?

8) Do you know someone else who reads FaFB? (Is it your fault?)

9) If you enjoy FEW and FAR Between, it would be interesting for me to hear
what your other favorite comic strips and cartoons are..

10) Where do you usually view FEW and FAR Between?
Address of other Webcomics page?

11) Is there anything you would like to see more (or less) of in FEW and FAR Between?

I'd love to hear your comments and/or questions about FaFB:

Check off if you would like any of your comments eligible for the Letters Page.
If so, how would you prefer your name to appear?
Check off this box if you would want your e-mail address included
(and make sure it's entered in the space provided up top).

Thanks for filling out the survey!
If you'd like a Thank You gift of some FaFB Wallpaper,
click the checkbox below, then watch your e-mailbox for a bitmap version!
(Please indicate which compression version would be best for you to receive.)

Shrunken sample of FaFB Wallpaper

Wallpaper, please.

Format: WinZip StuffIt
Uncompressed/Other (please use the comments field)


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All rights reserved.